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Black Economic Alliance Foundation’s

Architecture for Action

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The Black Economic Alliance Foundation is a coalition of business leaders and aligned advocates who are committed to advancing Black work, wages, and wealth.

Contact to tell us about your experience using the Architecture for Action and to learn more about how leaders can help create economic empowerment in Black communities.

0.5% — Mehrsa Baradaran as cited in “The black-white economic divide is as wide as it was in 1968,” The Washington Post, 2020

3.75% — Average of the current Federal Reserve estimates for Black national share of wealth - 2.9% and and 4.6% 

Throughout American history, the systems and markets of our economy have been designed to hold Black people back.

The result: Vast economic disparities that limit Black families’ access to economic prosperity and wealth-building.

And these disparities hurt the entire American economy, costing us $16 trillion in untapped potential over just the past 20 years.

To solve this, we must reshape our economic infrastructure — its policies, investments, and programs — to center Black work, wages, and wealth.

Source: Citibank, “Closing the Racial Inequality Gaps”, McKinsey & Company, “the Economic State of Black America,” “The Economic impact of closing the Racial Wealth Gap”, World Bank Current GDP tables 

“Wealth” simply means the opportunity to buy a home and pass it on to your children, to start a business that sustains your family and improves your community, and to have authentic agency over your life. In its simplest terms, wealth is defined as owning more than you owe. We need to get to a place in this country where wealth is no longer the exception for Black people.

The wealth gap is just one symptom of an economic infrastructure designed to hold back Black Americans. To make meaningful progress, we must re-envision the systems and markets that comprise our economy, and ground our new vision in the unique lived experiences of Black people.

Centering Black prosperity would generate $1T per year.

Racial inequity operates across the interrelated systems that make up our economic infrastructure. To solve this challenge, leaders have to operate across systems too.

The Black Economic Alliance (BEA) develops action-oriented resources and solutions to help leaders come together and make a measurable impact on Black work, wages, and wealth. The goal is to help leaders in every sector invest in more meaningful, sustainable, and wide-reaching solutions for the Black community. In turn, this growth of the Black economy will propel transformational prosperity for the entire American economy.

See how to impact Black communities

View actionable interventions through four lenses
Do Black households and communities have access to and use the distribution channels on which the solution relies?
Are structural barriers addressed so that Black people and institutions can fully participate?
Long-Term Returns
Will Black people see long-term gains similar to those of non-Black people?

What else is needed to help sustain impact?
Immediate Quality or Value
Will the results be of value to Black people?

Are outcomes for Black people of the same quality and magnitude as those for non-Black people?